Monday, April 20, 2009

This can't be good!

I have some serious baby fever.  Ever since Bret went to the card reader and he was told that if I wasn't already preggo I would be in 4 months(August), I have been thinking about it.  Not good I know, but the more I think about it the more I would like to be preggo again.  I miss feeling a baby move inside me, and wondering what he/she is going to look like.  It's not like the timing would be wrong because by the time the baby would be born Jackson would be almost 2.  I guess the oly bad part is the fact that we will be hopefully moving into the new house then and I would hate to have to be dealing with morning sickness and all that and be stressed out with the move and things as well.  Man someone talk me out of this!....and FAST!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter time

Well this will be Jackson's first Easter and even though he will not remember it I still got him an Easter basket.  It will have a new toy race car, some bath toys, a t-shirt( I was gonna get it for him anyways and just figured why not add it to the basket), some Elmo easter eggs, and and Elmo board book.  Yes I will admit that there is some candy in there too, however, that is for Stefan and I since technically we don't get Easter baskets anymore.  We will live vicariously through our children now.  I also managed to take some photos of Jackson with the Easter theme I will post a few of those for all to see. I am going to make a second attempt at this probably tomorrow, he was a little cranky because it was close to nap time.  I will also have a post Easter blog up shortly after Easter.  We will be dying Easter eggs on Friday, and have a small party on Sunday to celebrate.