Monday, March 30, 2009

Okay so I know I'm behind but....

Let's just say things have been crazy.  Let's start off with the fact that grandma has shingles and so taking care of her has been an overwhelming task added to my normal everyday work with Jackson.  Nonetheless, she seems to be doing better and is now back at her own place.  We have also been looking at buying a house.  We looked at 3 different houses yesterday and let me tell you I fell in LOVE with the 3rd house we looked at.  It would fit our family needs perfectly.  3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms/1 half bath, game room, nice urgraded kitchen with stainless appliances, hardwood floors in the living room, tile where we want tile, a tiki hut in the backyard as well as a swingset. I don't think we could find a better starter home if we tried.  Stefan and I will be going to BOA this afternoon to start the pre-approval process for our home loan.  I will eventually post pictures but as of right now I don't want to jinx it and say this is my house yet.  HEHE!! I feel all gidy inside and like we are on a huge adventure. I have also sat down and worked with our finances to see where we stand and what we need to make each month to cover all of our bills for the new place.  Granted these are all estimates because obviously I don't quite know how much each thing is going to cost us yet.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The ultimate Hunt

Why does house hunting have to be so stressful?  I will admit upfront that I haven't been as proactive with this as I could have been, but with that being said it still is a rather difficult process.  I found a house a few weeks ago that fit our criteria perfectly and would have been an awesome starter house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big living room and kitchen and an optional study/4th bedroom.  It was built in 2000 so it was new in comparison to several others we had looked at.  I contacted the realtor to schedule a showing and waited patiently to hear back from her.  The next day when I finally heard back from her she informed me that there was already 7 offers on the house and wanted to help me find something else.   I was a little heartbroken, honestly I just figured we would jump into this and find a house and voila it would be a done deal.  I was a little discouraged but then again who really buys the first house they see?  

I have been looking every couple of days to see if anything new becomes available, and went 3-4 weeks with no change.  I would be working with a realtor if Stefan would wholeheartedly jump into this with me, but alas I feel that I will be doing most of this by myself.  I know that if I said lets please go look at this house or what not he would be up in a second but I want him to be more proactive in the process to start with. 

I have found another house, ironically in the same neighborhood as the first, not sure if thats a sign or not.  Anyways, it's bigger than the first, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, gameroom, living room, den, so on so forth.  I contacted the realtor yesterday, 3/9/08 to schedule a showing...never heard a damn thing back from her.  She could have atleast been professional about it and sent a message back with some sort of acknowledgement of my email..but I got shit.  Anyways, I just sent her another message regarding the house using Stefan's email address hoping since it sounds a little more legit than mine that I will finally hear something back from her.  I just hope this works out, preferrably in our favor but if not I'm sure God has a good reason for it.  

This is just my mini-rant at the whole house hunting process...

I know there will be an update of some sorts later.

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 8th

This is my best friends birthday!!! Although to be honest with you I don't think you could consider us best friends anymore.  She has moved to Mississippi with her fiance, no I'm not mad at her for that.  I chose to follow my path and move to North Carolina with Stefan and she has every right to follow her path as well,  however that being said she has not made much of an effort to stay in touch.  I'm upset that I have lost one of my closest and dearest friends of over 13 years!  Why do people drift apart?  I know that everyone lives their own lives and sometimes you get so caught up in your own life that you forget about others.  I'm not pointing fingers because I am guilty of this as well, it just sucks that it happens.  I sent her a couple of text wishing her a happy birthday and asking how her day went and so on....I received 1 text back and it said Thanks!!!  I know I could have called but I never know what her schedule is and didn't wanna interupt if she was working or something. I figured if she had text me back then I would call.  After recieving 1 text I figured she was busy with other things and didn't have time to talk.  I just wished we could have done all the things we said we would do when we were younger.   We talked about taking family trips together and our kids growing up together(allthough she is lacking in this department right now...LOL), just so much that now it looks like will never happen.  She has talked about moving to France or Spain, what for I have no clue, but again that's here new dreams.  

I guess it just hurts that on my best friends birthday I don't get to do anything else but send a few text and only get 1 response.  I know it's supposed to be the thought that counts and I know it does but still I want that to much to ask from your friends?  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So I need some motivation....

I am looking for some inspiration to be able to contribute to this blog like I really want to.  I want this to not only be a way to remember things that have happened in my life but I also want to make this creative and not just the come by every day or two and write down what's been going on.  I want to incorporate pictures and others odds and ends to this so in a year from now when I am looking back on what I did it's not just a pages and pages of reading.  I have thought of  trying to have a theme for each week so to speak where I base my blogs off of this theme, however that is 52 different themes...that's a lot.  Maybe I will just make sure I take some pictures every week and post them on here no matter what the content is. 

Seeing as I haven't quite found the direction I wanna take I will, just as I have the days before, write what has happened.

Today has been pretty uneventful.  I woke this morning in the same mannor I have for the past ohh I dunno 8 months,  Jackson talking to his mobile and laughing.  He always, well I shouldn't say always, usually he wakes up in such a good mood and ready to start the day with a smile on his face.  After our breakfast and our morning playdate we got ready and headed out to run our what seems like daily errands.  First if was off to Target because daddy need some new socks and some inserts for his new work boots.  We also snagged the next 2 seasons of Family Guy as the were on sale for $16 a piece when the are normally atleast $30.  Then it was off to Jared, yea yea I know "I can't believe he went to Jared", to get my wedding set inspected.  Once the rings were dropped off we snagged some Taco Bell and headed home.  I had some time to kill since I couldn't get my rings back till sometime after 1 pm.  JackJack went down for a short nap and I enjoyed my delectable lunch and then wandered around on the interwebs to kill sometime. Yea, that time could have been better utilized but ya know every once in awhile I need some time to just kill not have to think or do anything and today was one of those days.  Anyways, apparently Margaret called the Engineers to come inspect the house so we could have our flood insurance reduced.  Well the weren't supposed to come till Thursday of Friday but nope they showed up today.  After dealing with him for about an hour we returned to Jared to get my rings back.  They are all shiny and purdy now!!! To this day I am still in love with them, and couldn't imagine ever placing another ring on that finger.  He did such a great job picking them out and after almost 3 years of marriage I am still in total awe.  

I think I have come to the conclusion of what I am going to do as far as my inspiration goes.  I think I am just going to take pictures randomly throughout the week and post them with a little caption to explain them.  So stay tuned for the next blog hopefully with pictures.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 1

So in light of the new events that have happened this past year I decided that keeping a journal would be my new tradition. Well lets see it's March 1st and I've made all of 3 entries into it. I just don't have the time to sit and handwrite things that are happening, mainly because I have an 8 month old(well he'll be 8 months on the 3rd) sitting on my lap most of the time.

So where should I start....
I am constantly unsure of what should be written down, ya know the memories that I forever wanna keep safe. I am constantly typing up something and then erasing it because when I read over it again I realize it sounds silly, but I am going to try my hardest not to use the backspace button. These are my memories and my thoughts why and how are they silly?

On to today. It started out relatively uneventful. Stefan and I both got a good solid nights sleep!! Hooray for that!!! Jackson didn't make a peep till 7:15 this morning. It was wonderful to not have to drag my feet the 1o steps it takes to get from by our bedroom to his, and find the paci and place the covers back over his tiny little body. After changing a very wet diaper I put Jackson in his Pack N Play(PNP) to play with his managery of toys. Discussing his dreams with Lion, Pony, and Shark he chews on the letter Q and relaxes watching Thomas the Tank on this cold Sunday morning. I start flipping through the Sunday paper clipping my coupons ya know trying to save us money so we can one day be millionaires..............................sorry back to reality. Anyways, after Vacuuming, dusting and the general house clean up. Bret came over to visit with all of us since he hadn't seen us in a while. He and Stefan went to and got 15lbs of crawfish for lunch, I on the other hand had Willies chicken tenders with fries. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and we just talked and played Wii and such.