Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So I need some motivation....

I am looking for some inspiration to be able to contribute to this blog like I really want to.  I want this to not only be a way to remember things that have happened in my life but I also want to make this creative and not just the come by every day or two and write down what's been going on.  I want to incorporate pictures and others odds and ends to this so in a year from now when I am looking back on what I did it's not just a pages and pages of reading.  I have thought of  trying to have a theme for each week so to speak where I base my blogs off of this theme, however that is 52 different themes...that's a lot.  Maybe I will just make sure I take some pictures every week and post them on here no matter what the content is. 

Seeing as I haven't quite found the direction I wanna take I will, just as I have the days before, write what has happened.

Today has been pretty uneventful.  I woke this morning in the same mannor I have for the past ohh I dunno 8 months,  Jackson talking to his mobile and laughing.  He always, well I shouldn't say always, usually he wakes up in such a good mood and ready to start the day with a smile on his face.  After our breakfast and our morning playdate we got ready and headed out to run our what seems like daily errands.  First if was off to Target because daddy need some new socks and some inserts for his new work boots.  We also snagged the next 2 seasons of Family Guy as the were on sale for $16 a piece when the are normally atleast $30.  Then it was off to Jared, yea yea I know "I can't believe he went to Jared", to get my wedding set inspected.  Once the rings were dropped off we snagged some Taco Bell and headed home.  I had some time to kill since I couldn't get my rings back till sometime after 1 pm.  JackJack went down for a short nap and I enjoyed my delectable lunch and then wandered around on the interwebs to kill sometime. Yea, that time could have been better utilized but ya know every once in awhile I need some time to just kill not have to think or do anything and today was one of those days.  Anyways, apparently Margaret called the Engineers to come inspect the house so we could have our flood insurance reduced.  Well the weren't supposed to come till Thursday of Friday but nope they showed up today.  After dealing with him for about an hour we returned to Jared to get my rings back.  They are all shiny and purdy now!!! To this day I am still in love with them, and couldn't imagine ever placing another ring on that finger.  He did such a great job picking them out and after almost 3 years of marriage I am still in total awe.  

I think I have come to the conclusion of what I am going to do as far as my inspiration goes.  I think I am just going to take pictures randomly throughout the week and post them with a little caption to explain them.  So stay tuned for the next blog hopefully with pictures.

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