Monday, February 14, 2011

It's all happening so fast!

Yesterday started my 34th week of pregnancy. That means I have 6 weeks or less(hopefully) until Bentley is in my arms. I cannot even begin to tell how excited I am to see Jackson as a big brother and watch us become a family of 4. Jackson has been such a big help in getting Bentley's room all ready. He even helped me paint, I still can't believe I actually trusted my 2 year old with a paint

This past weekend Stefan finished the crown molding in Bentley's room which means now I can move on to actually putting all the finishing touches up. It's so exciting to see this vision that I had in my head come to a reality and I cannot wait to actually see it completely done.

This coming weekend I have my baby shower I'm really excited for it since I didn't really get one with Jackson since we were in NC for my entire pregnancy and his birth. We did have a "meet and greet" sort of thing when he was about a month old and people brought gifts to that but I wouldn't call it a baby shower. We are also going to be(weather permitting) taking family photo's of the 3 of us and some maternity pictures. I'm excited for these as well. So this should be a great weekend overall.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Risks and Consequences

Recently I was given a piece of information. This information was told to me in secrecy and normally I will take information told in secrecy to the grave, however for the sake of the giver I could not. Said information could potentially be life changing and alter this person's future and it was something they were taking too lightly. I spent over 24hrs battling in my head what to do with this secret. I eventually confided in my husband because I simply couldn't figure out what to do and the stress and worry was now eating me away inside.

Stefan and I deliberated for what seemed like hrs and both came to the same conclusion that the secret needed to be told and we knew who needed to know. The harder task was now at hand, HOW do you tell this information. It's never something easy to hear no matter who you are but definitely harder to hear when that person is one of the most important people in your life.

We decided to give the person who told me the secret an "ultimatum" basically and gave them a deadline of when they could confess the information themselves or we would tell shortly after that deadline was over. This was the best course of action because otherwise this person probably would have never confessed under their own duress, until a life changing event had occurred.

I am glad to say that this person stepped up to the plate and told well before the deadline was up. I know it took a great amount courage and maturity to do what they did and even though right now it seems as if their current world is crashing down around them, I can't help but have a huge sense of relief. Relief knowing that even if this person hates my guts for the time being, I did what I know in my heart was the right thing to do. I hopefully have prevented this person from becoming another statistic and furthermore give them back their innocence and youth.

Now we get to wait it out.....

(Sorry for having to be so vague! I needed to get this out but wanted the integrity of the persons this talks about to remain intact...after all the reason for posting this was not to blab this person's dirty laundry, but discuss my struggle with it.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Let's suffice it to say that since Friday I have dealt with 3....count them 1, 2, 3 different illness in this house.

Let's start with Thursday:

Stefan called me from work saying that his throat was kind of scratchy and he had a slight headache. My thought was that it was from the weather changing since it goes from 60s/70s during the day to 30s/40s at night. No big deal! He didn't want me to make a doctors appointment because he agreed that it was probably nothing serious.


Stefan again calls me from work only this time to tell me that his throat is killing him and he now had a cough and he thinks it's strep throat. I am a natural carrier of strep throat, meaning I can carry the virus but it doesn't actually make me sick, so there is always that chance at any time that I could pass it on to Stefan or Jackson. It was too late in the day at this point for me to call the doctor's office for an appointment so we decided to go to the RediClinic when he got home from work. If you don't know what a RediClinic is it's kind of like an urgent care that is open till 8pm everyday of the week including's awesome and better yet it cost us no more than our insurance copay. Anyways, so my mom offered to watch Jackson while we went. Thankfully the strep test came back negative and he was diagnosed with just having a throat infection, unfortunately there aren't any medications he can take for this. I got into my herbal mood and made him a mixture of garlic water(boiling garlic cloves then straining out the cloves and using just the water) cayenne pepper, and salt. I had him gargle this every 3 hrs or so for 24 hrs straight minus when he was sleeping(unless he woke up from coughing ). By the time the 24hrs was up his throat was no longer hurting and he felt tons better.

It's now Saturday:

Jackson woke up completely stuffy and a slight cough. I doctored him at home and gave him medications that I had available hoping something would help. Well it didn't! He woke up from his nap and I had to use the bulb syringe(the one they gave us when he was born) and suck out his nose so he could have even a small change of breathing. It was GREEN! So off we went once again the the RediClinic for him to be diagnosed with what I had already known....a sinus infection. He is now on 2 antibiotics for the next 7-10 days. Later that evening Stefan starts with a runny nose and cough.....GREAT he now has a cold.

I spend this entire day taking care of Jackson and Stefan who both are now going through tissues like it's their job and I am wishing we would have bought stick in Kleenex. Bringing soups, liquids, crackers, medications, blankets, pillows, more tissues, changing diapers, making more soups, cuddling, cleaning up old dishes, putting in movies, the occasional trip to the bathroom for me to pee, and back to all of the above. I gave Jackson a bubble bath so he could relax and get some steam while Stefan took a shower at the same time(note: we have a separate shower and tub in the master). Then it was time for bed....Jackson had a really rough time with this since he wanted to suck on his pacifier but couldn't breathe out of his nose... after 1 1/2 hrs of him whining he finally fell asleep...Stefan on the other hand had already been sleeping for almost 2 hrs.


Stefan is feeling a little better not so stuffy and his cough seems to be on the mend. Jackson woke up as if he had never been sick. I on the other hand have now woken up sick!!!! So here I am still trying to take care of 2 other sickos and I am sick myself. Thus Tuesday and today have also been rough but only for me. Stefan and Jackson are both well and doing their normal daily activities and I am dragging along as if I'm not even here. Hopefully this passes quickly for me as well and we will all be good this coming weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Starting over...

It's been since May of last year that I posted a blog. A LOT has happened since then! So much so that I'm not even going to begin to start blogging about all of that, nope, nope, nope. Instead I will be starting as of right now. My goal is to write at least 1 blog a week, although I feel that once I get started things will flow a lot easier and I will have more things to write about giving me the opportunity for more than 1 blog a week. We shall see...

This does not count as my blog post for this week this is just a sort of heads up to any of my readers....although I imagine at this point I have none.