Stefan and I deliberated for what seemed like hrs and both came to the same conclusion that the secret needed to be told and we knew who needed to know. The harder task was now at hand, HOW do you tell this information. It's never something easy to hear no matter who you are but definitely harder to hear when that person is one of the most important people in your life.
We decided to give the person who told me the secret an "ultimatum" basically and gave them a deadline of when they could confess the information themselves or we would tell shortly after that deadline was over. This was the best course of action because otherwise this person probably would have never confessed under their own duress, until a life changing event had occurred.
I am glad to say that this person stepped up to the plate and told well before the deadline was up. I know it took a great amount courage and maturity to do what they did and even though right now it seems as if their current world is crashing down around them, I can't help but have a huge sense of relief. Relief knowing that even if this person hates my guts for the time being, I did what I know in my heart was the right thing to do. I hopefully have prevented this person from becoming another statistic and furthermore give them back their innocence and youth.
Now we get to wait it out.....
(Sorry for having to be so vague! I needed to get this out but wanted the integrity of the persons this talks about to remain intact...after all the reason for posting this was not to blab this person's dirty laundry, but discuss my struggle with it.)
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